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About Me

My name is Anna and I was born in the
Netherlands, Friesland to be precise :- )  
I have lived and worked in the UK and
now l do that in the south of France.
I put my music on the internet under
the name of MemphisMaiden
I suddenly decided to make this
website to tell you about myself...
my music
I have always liked music, but have never been good at it. I can not read music, just play by ear. I remember learning the basics at primary school, well, that was just a disaster ! I did not enjoy music lessons at school much, it was rather boring. I was allowed to play with a triangle once. That was boring too. It put me off having music lessons during the next stage of my life, so I just tinkered and ended up doing what I do now, still not knowing much. But I don't mind. It did stop me playing music with other people over the years though. Because they knew what they were doing, they unknowingly made me feel pretty useless, so I never gained any confidence, in fact it made me feel that I was no good at music at all, so hence I never really played in front of people, instead I became a bedroom hermit, or better sounding perhaps a "bedroom girl"  ;- ) I only played when I was sure there was nobody around..... But getting older, one cares less, I don't care now to admit that I don't know what what chord is etc, I just ask and yes, I have performed a few times in front of people since then, but I prefer not to, simply because it's not my hobby. To have a repetoire one needs to rehearse, meaning a lot of repeating, then having to perform this same repetoire, nah, sorry, that is just not for me ... 
My main enjoyment is to create songs, just tinkering and "finding out" is all part of my hobby. Okay, there is repeat of course, but in a different way. When I record layers, yes, I do that same song again, but with a different instrument, so not really the same :- ) or adding harmonies, to me that's just having fun. I also like to try out different styles, coz it's nice to have a change. I'm having fun teaching myself to mix my songs, not your finest quality, but all mine ! Here is one example of how I end up with ideas.
One day I was running late (well, not the first time lol) and I had visions of being stopped by this lets say  "talkative"  lady, I really could not afford to be delayed anymore, so I was thinking how to clearly state in my best french that I really had to go now as I was running late. So in the end I decided that "Il faut que j'aille" would be clear and polite enough. I never did see her, so never used that phrase. But in the car I was thinking about the french way and how nice it sounded. So before I knew it I was humming a little tune whilst driving. Later that day when I came home, I had to simply scribble it down, which I did. I grabbed my little guitar and had a little tinker. I found a chorus ! Next I tried different chords, as I had no idea how to change "pitch" ? ( I believe that is that what you call it ? Ha, I call it "the hight" as I lack a lot of knowledge regarding these terms, but I am sure that you know what I'm talking about, I hope .. because I don't know if I do anymore hahaha) I asked a  friend  to help me find a chord as I got stuck how to bridge over. He kindly helped me. I then recorded a little trial for fun, just many repeats of this chorus, some in french, some in english, just to see if I could do anything with it or not, I got a bit carried away in the end by playing around with some echo FX... LOL.. Although it's not for outsiders like you, just a little "me-tune" I am happy enough to share it with you. To hear it just click on the link "I must go" down below.  If it puts a smile on your face then I have made at least one person happy, or if it makes you burts out laughing, ah well, another happy person :- ) I think it is nice to show how you how I get to a song. It is nice to show different stages as I usually end up making one thing that ends up completely different ! Anyway, here a photo of how I scribble things down so I won't forget, although sometimes I have no idea what I did when I get back to it later on. Ouch ! Now THAT does show my lack of musical knowledge....  ;-)
          I must go ....
Must Go - MemphisMaiden
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